Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Elephantitus of the feet

I'm confused because I saw my doctor today and I still got sent home with baby inside. I thought surely he was going to tell me to get my butt over to the hospital and lets do this birth thing. It's so frustrating because I ran into the girl who was due same date as me but she had her baby two weeks ago.....She was there with her little baby boy and granny getting her stiches taken out last week and then today again just to get checked. Why does she get to have her baby now and I don't? Its just not fair!
then on top of it, my doctor had to run over to the hospital to make a delivery and I had to wait an extra while for him to return......I had my bladder full, ready to pee for them and I was stuck holding it. That was fine, I was surely going to be the next baby he delivered (mind you I';ve not been having contractions or anything and still have 13 more days to go) but I'm done being pregnant. Seriously, there is no more need for me to carry this stomach around.
my Dr. Returned suprisingly fast (30min.) and I got ushered into get urine sample, bloodpressure, and weighed.................Not good this week. I put on triple the amount of weight that I should have, when I stepped on the scale I told the nurse that I was feeling pretty heavy but I didn't expect for it to be 3xs what it is allowed.
I asked the doc about it and he said it's actually water weight gain and that I really need to take it easy and keep off of my feet
I really haven't been eating that much, I've actually been trying to eat little tiny meals and definitely drink my fluids everyday, plus I force myself to get up every morning and haul my butt around the block a couple of time. This morning was the worst because I REALLY DID NOT FEEL like doing my walk. Everything in me hurt but I squished my fat feet into my sneakers and told myself that I always feel better after I do it plus it helps open up the pelvis and gets the baby to sink down into position and progresses labor, plus I want to keep my energy and strength up.
but now, my doctor is telling me to stay off of my feet.....Not bedrest does that mean no walking? I just want to have this baby, god knows my knees were killing me when I got back this morning from my route. but at least my legs and arse are looking good (hauling this extra tummy around does make for an intense workout) I just waddle my swollen self around the block and call it quits after 2 laps which takes about halfhour to do.....I'm just ready to not be so puffy. Every joint in my body has fluid around it and it's awful.

When my doc did his exam of my insides to see if I was dilated, I think I surprised him a bit because he had this look of disbelief that I was still closed up tight. Guess he's use to all these other women that cant hold their babies in and start labor early. I've still got two weeks to go but my doctor was not use to or expecting such a tight cervix.....I joked with him about when is he going to go on vacation next because don't most mothers drop their babies while the doc is out of town. He got a good chuckle and I offered to send him on a cruise of his choice.....
I bet you my baby Avery will be late. I was born three weeks late, I didn't get my period till I was almost 14 years old, my menstrual cycle last at least 6-7 days and runs every 31 days so I think I just have a slow reproduction system. Doc said even if we were to do an induction, with my cervix being this closed up, it could still take a couple days for the indution to work. His longest was 3 days he said. I just know that when the time is right , It will happen.
everything else has been good, I guess I just need to take everyone's advice and not stress.....I just really hate this swelling and bloating and fluid retention. It's so very uncomfortable....I've been drinking my 64oz. of water everyday to help minimize this but I guess the pregnancy is winning the battle.


Blogger mrs. awesome said...

feel better. i was induced before my body was ready (no contractions, dialation, or effacement), and it was hellacious. i had to because g. wasn't showing any movement the morning of. it's really a road you do NOT want to go down. your dr. is right--when your body isn't cooperating yet, inducement makes for a really long hard labor. you think you want it, but trust me girl, you don't.

August 10, 2005 8:50 PM  
Blogger trisha said...

gordy is right , just try and keep yourself as comfy as you can...and you're right too, when the time is right and baby Avery is ready to enter this world, it will of my very close co-workers just had her first baby- her Dr told her too that she was very tight and even they day before her due date was closed up with 0 dilation. he ended up inducing two days later and after anbot 16 hrs she gave birth naturally to a beautiful 6lb baby girl-so try not to get do discouraged...keep your head up- your precious will be here before you know it!

August 10, 2005 10:34 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Sigh. I hope it happens quickly for you! I know you are so anxious to get Avery out into the real world soon!

Thinking about you!

August 11, 2005 5:57 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

How frustrating!
Definitely keep doing your daily consitutional. But any other walking that you can avoid is a good thing. Just listen, and when it's too much, take a break.

That was the other frustrating thing about being 12 days late with Emmy. My friend, who wasn't due until after me, had her baby like a month early. I was very upset with her. Needless to say, she didn't call me until she had heard that the baby was born.

I know you're ready to have the baby, but inducing is not a good solution right now. There's some important development going on right now. Take care and try not to be TOO uncomfortable :)

August 11, 2005 6:09 AM  
Blogger Hippie girl said...

LOts of good advice going on here .You'd kill me if I told you how late my first one was. Anyhow the walking is a good thing but I don't recomend doing dishes or any housework let Batman take that job(snicker).I know it's frustrating.But hang in there sweetie.

August 11, 2005 7:27 AM  
Blogger Heather/SHTEZQ said...

O.k. the weight thing is all water. the walking might need to end if you swell to much you can get toxema and that is very dangerous.if you elevate your feet above your heart the swelling will go down. trust me all this agonny will be worth it in the end.With my twins I got ot the point that i could harly even walk anymore and I swelled from here to china I had to keep my feet up all day long every day. good luck maybe avery is just doing the last of her beauty sleep. You are carring a princess remember.

August 11, 2005 8:25 AM  
Blogger mrs. awesome said...

oh, and did i say to CHERISH these last days when you can sleep all you want???! rest up, cause the sleep deprivation is a bitch.

August 11, 2005 8:45 AM  
Blogger Angel! said...

Rest a lot and have sex. Don't you have hand-cuffs hidden somewhere?...

August 11, 2005 9:52 AM  
Blogger Sum Kinda Princess said...

Stumbled upon your blog from a mutual blogger. I just wanted to add to all the great suggestions that inducing is NOT what you want to do. A lot of people I have known had some real problems with the pain during birth, takes forever and some lasting issues happen. Hang in there! It sucks to be pregnant in the summer! I lived in AZ when I was pregnant and had no A/C in my car. Put your face in the freezer!! It helps.

August 12, 2005 10:29 PM  

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