so work is good. I've realized that I'm the worlds best massage therapist and have recieved TONS of praise. my second day up at the spa and my boss lady stopped me to say that she's so very happy to have me working up there; that she feels I have good energy and that I'm going to be a big asset to her business.
I realized that I really had not done profesional work since becoming a mother. there had been times that i thought i might not ever go back to that line of work. after my assualt, my clientel was dwinddling and I really thought i had lost my care and compasion for others (especially in a semi-nude and touching environment) i actually thought i might not ever go back, that my emotional scars from being raped conflicted with the openess required to perform professional massage.
I new the day would come that I needed to go back to working and unfortunatley batman's job was not covering the neverending expense of diapers and wipes so I was sorta' forced back into finding work. the place is great and I could not have been more blessed to find a work enviornment this cool and ready for me. I just need to touch up my knowledge of doing body wraps and be trained on the front desk and the job is Golden.
but back to what i was initally trying to say. about twenty minutes into my first appointment i realized that by me becoming a mother, my identity had changed so much. My assult was something from the past but I am no longer that person. I'm a mom and am able to leave the pain behind me... at least long enough to act as a therapist for others. it feels so good to be working. i've already gotten a paycheck though it's only for 2 hours of work, 52 bucks aint so bad.
also an update, my loving dear husband has made it possible for us to not loose our internet. the bill is paid in full and we only have another months' worth of collect calls from jail (not batman but a friend of his) to pay but with me working now, everything should be great.
I'll post some updated pictures here shortly, just wanted to say that my job is good, my blog will be continued and the few of my blog buddies that have stayed in touch with me during this time, THANKS and I love you all! lets keep the phonelines open