Monday, October 23, 2006

Its been a rough couple of days. Fridaynight avery woke with a temp. of 103.6 batman and i thought we would simply treat it at home with fluids and fever reducer till she threw up the medicine so we made another late night run to the ER. The Doctor there was the best ever, so patient and kind with my little girl who was freaking out. they gave her a supository to help drop her temp. and kept shoving themometers up her butt so the whole business at the hospital was super unpleasant .
we were told to just keep her rested and hydrated and monitor her for the next couple of days....nothing was diagnosed as being wrong but we left with a script for antibiotics and told to hold on the meds to see if this thing was really that bad.
Flash forward to This morning when her face was RAshed out horribly. I went and picked up my MIL to assist in babycare for a trip to the Pediatrician. Avery shit in her pants on the drive up there which MIL got to change while I checked us in at the desk and proceeded to nurse Benjamin. Felt weird to be sitting in a waiting room with my boob out but figured it was a medical office for children and I was simply feeding my youngin' so no shame.
Our pedi came quickly to check Avery but kept a good distance for some reason. made me a little nervous thinking it might be contagious. and once the DOc saw avery's pink pinhole bumps covering her chest and face (the rash was getting really nasty looking and spreading everywhere) the doc said there was nothing to do. Avery was on the last stage of "Roseola Infantum". (a fever for 3 days then a rash for 36 hours) AKA 3 day measels!! there was nothing to be done at this point but let the rash run its course.
as soon as we got out of the exam room, I sat back down in the waiting room and finished nursing benjamin while my MIL played with avery and the books. I notice that the rash was already clearing up. its amazing what a simple trip to the Doctor's can do for a person's health.

since I had my MIL with me, we kept her at our house for the day and she cleaned my fireplace and mantle with a fingernail brush. ( i took pictures and will post them) while I actually took a nap this afternoon. WHat a day I've had!
My daughter is getting better, my MIL cleaned my house, I got to take a nap, and my husband will be giving me a footmassage after he returns from the COWboys game I allowed him to go to tonight with a homeboy.
oh, and I've gotten to post on blogger today :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor baby . . . and poor mommy! I hope she's feeling better soon!

October 23, 2006 8:45 PM  
Blogger Violet said...

It must've been pretty scary. Is 3-day measles different from just measles?

October 23, 2006 11:07 PM  
Blogger keda said...

oh you poor things!
so scary when a babe is ill.
so glad things are looking up, and that mil cleaned!
and you shouldn't be embarrassed to feed you baby sweetie. that's primarily what boobs are for! anyone who has any objection to women and babies breast feeding in public has a problem, and serious complexes about nature and womens bodies, not you!

October 24, 2006 2:19 AM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Oh no! Baby girl! I'm so sorry to hear about sweet Avery!


October 24, 2006 4:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, what a rough couple of days. At least now your mind is at ease, but I'm sure you're still having to comfort a cranky girl. Poor thing. Is BT safe from catching it?

October 24, 2006 6:36 AM  
Blogger Heather/SHTEZQ said...

OH POOR LITLE GIRL The twins had it last year Z was worse then Q but still a scary thing. hope she is feeling better soon and glad it was not. something worse.

October 24, 2006 10:10 AM  
Blogger Memphis said...

Sorry to hear that you have a sick baby. But it's good that you have someone there to help you deal with it. I hope she gets well in a hurry.

October 24, 2006 2:47 PM  
Blogger mistyblue3 said...

measles?? Hasn't she had MMR vacine yet? Oh, maybe that's the 15 month check up. I didn't know there was such a thing as 3 day measles. I'm glad she feeling better! Jade is sick again also. Nope, I don't know why. Just a fever. Dammit~!

October 25, 2006 8:59 AM  

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