Friday, August 04, 2006

Worst night in a long time

finally climbed into our broken bed (it fell off the frame Wednesday night as Batman was sitting down on his side) so we're sitting much lower on the floor currently and I kinda like it.
but next moment Batman is sawing logs and the news hasn't even come on ......So I roll over and get no more loving like usuall and watch a plethora of news and latenight and its boring and stupid and batman is loud snoring and his elbow is taking up the whole middle of the bed....I'm frustrated so I decide if you cant beat 'em :join them so I turn the tube off and try and find a comfy spot of my back to cram his elbow into
Avery is up at one point.
I have two more trips to the bathroom to urinate and its only 3 am
then slowly its 3:30,
and then 4 and then 4:30 and I'm getting mad that I've gotten no sleep so I take another trip to the bathroom
then the dream starts and I'm reluctant to even mention this dream because it was so powerful .
I was dancing in the moon light with shadows and witches and my lesbian girlfriends are with me and then we go into this house that is possessed . Mind you that I said the house was possessed, not haunted because the people inside were wicked and evil and all women, old and crinkly with poor eyesight and braids in their hair and the lazy eyed one poked me in the stomach and I yelled for her to stop , that I was pregnant but the witch thrilled with her evilself punched me in the tummy again.
My girlfriend was there and I was trying to tell them to hurry up and we needed to get out and then *poof* my girlfriend was just gone and I was alone in this house with all the chaos coming after me. The fat monster in the basement was almost at the top of the stairs, the tummy puncher was hiding somewhere ....It was horrible.
then as I'm trying to finish my dream, I'm driving my car on the highway and I'm panicked and trying to call Batman but the Cellphone isn't working and the gauges on my car are going haywire. I think I''ve got a flat and I'm running out of gas and I'm overheating all at the same time but I cant make anysense of the warning lights on my dashboard. I managed to get away from the house but now my car is acting like its possessed and Avery is in her carseat in the back not really asleep but not really awake and She's choking on something or has something in her mouth and I'm freakin out that she's been poisoned by the witches

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no the computer isn't possessed, just Avery telling herside of the dream :)

but I finally wake from this state of terror and its only 5:30 so I've got awhole nother hour to have reruns going through my head.
one hour of sleep and its horrible dreams....
no more AnneHatheway before bedtime (she was the guest on letterman)


Blogger Sarah said...

i hate bad dreams.

sometimes they are set off by scary things but other times it's just the way i sleep.

hope your day went okay anyway.

August 05, 2006 9:02 AM  
Blogger KB said...

Pregnancy dreams are always funky and sooo vivid. Just think, only a few more weeks of them left.

August 05, 2006 10:08 AM  
Blogger trisha said...

leave it to you to continue your dreams girl! I too have bad dreams often although to blog about them would be, (well at least I thought) inappropriate.........mayvbe not, maybe we should speak and tell of our inner most dreams and thouhts, huh? at least the ones we remember upon awakening?

August 06, 2006 7:02 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Yes, Anne Hathaway was the problem. Best of luck in living an Anne Hathaway free life from here on out.

August 10, 2006 4:04 AM  

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