Wednesday, April 26, 2006

an email

Planned Parenthood does offer pregnancy testing and gestational sizing to help determine how far along you are and the due date. You can call 1-800-230-PLAN to reach a clinic near you. Thank you!

well folks, I wentup to planned parenthood this afternoon and for $18 got to pee in a cup and they asked me when do I think I made the baby.......
me: I think it might have been back in Feb. We were on vacation and it was my husbands birthday
planned parenthood: well, since your last menstrual cycle was Nov of '04 we really cant calculate a due date. We'll just say your due date is Nov. 21, '06
Me: so if we made the baby on my husbands birthday, its gonna be around November? Are you counting the middle of February as the date of conception or my last menstrual cycle?
PP: your last menstrual cycle.

do you believe this? I mean its a health clinic that is making up dates and just going by what the patient is guessing about!!!
I only went because we're dirt poor and have to wait for Medicaid to pick up that I'm pregnant. I could've said that it was back last December and they would have written anything down for the Medicaid form. I did call my regular OB/Gyn and they referred me to PP for getting this form filled out otherwise it would have been over $500 for all the test.
that, my friends, is the difference health coverage offers. I just cant wait for my first official visit and I get to have a sonogram so we can know for sure how far along i am. This guessing is for the birds and I cant believe a health clinic is operating like that.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well at least you saved $482. Hope you get that sonogram soon!

April 26, 2006 1:59 PM  
Blogger crazycatlady said...

I've been following your post for a while...don't even remember whose site I got your link off of...
That is insane that Planned Parenthood would just go with a would think they would do some sort of testing to get details.
Good luck...hope you get the details you need soon.

April 26, 2006 2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you'll find out your exact due date soon. That's just flat out crazy!

April 26, 2006 7:11 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

The sonogram should help!

It's funny- even "real" doctors do that sort of thing. Guessing.

April 27, 2006 6:40 AM  
Blogger trisha said...

unbelievable. what kind of service is that? Hope you get some real care very soon!

April 27, 2006 9:10 AM  
Blogger Zoeyjane said...

i agree with everyone that it's assinine. but then again, there's me - i had to get a sonogram done, since i didn't have regular periods, and they told me, at the time that i was 11 weeks we're having doubts, since i'm supposedly at 27 weeks and the baby dropped last night. aren't doctors supposed to be able to give definitive answers?

April 27, 2006 9:19 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Maybe we should go back to midwifes?

May 06, 2006 12:31 AM  

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