Thursday, September 15, 2005

I've lost 22lbs of the 44 I gained

There is no more time left for me, this baby is taking every moment and energy plus some. Daddy went back to work on Monday so It's just been me and Avery and she is so very needy. I'm sorry I haven't been able to post more, my flying arms are no longer available to type. But just know that even if I haven't been able to comment I'm still trying to sit and read your post and keep up to date as to what all is happening with everyone.
It's so amazing how much life changes with the birth of a baby. My whole perspective on life is different now. I will never again be the old Robyn, Now I'm a mommy and I'm going to have this new role for as long as I will know....My baby is the most amazing and wonderful thing. She tries my patience and I'm learning so much. I'm learning to stay calm in situations that might have flustered me in the past. I'm learning to eat standing up, one handed while trying to breast feed a wiggling newborn, I've mastered explosive pooping and the clean up and have managed to keep laughter a part of the task, and most of all I have discovered a joy in getting house work done. It is now my happiness to get the dishes washed, the laundry done, and over the weekend I was able to push the vacuum around the house and It was such fun. I'm amazed with how quickly I can do all these things...It seems that I'm so much faster then before I had a child. I 'm just thankful for those moments that I'm able to break away from Avery while someone else holds her.....She's not very pleased with being away from someone's warm embrace and insists on being held ALOT. The fist couple of days home from the hospital, I didn't understand what her problem was. Avery just became increasingly fussy and everyone would say that she was hungry and hand her off to me... I would try and give her the breast but she would scream louder like I was a moron and I would feel bad for not knowing what her needs where. Turns out she simply didn't want to be put down. She would nurse and get drowsy and I would sneakily try to lay her down so I could get some things done around the house and two minutes later, Avery would wake totally upset to discover that she was no longer being held. This little girl has a major attitude which I know she gets from Jamie and it really scares me.
We went to see her pediatrician yesterday and in two weeks of life, Avery has grown from 8lbs 12oz to a perfect 10lbs.....My little girl is a porker! I guess that was the growth spurt everyone was talking about that hits around the two week mark. It's so wild seeing how much she has changed and I'm really gald that my parents will be returning home tonight. They live near me but have spent the past week and a half over seas in London for some conference and they have missed out on seeing their grandbaby, I cant wait to hear the comments on how much she has grown already.
well, I' really need to get off here. Hope you all are doing well, I'm totally overwhelmed in everything but I'm at least keeping my nose above the surface even if I cant keep my head up all the way. People tell me that it gets better/ easier down the road,,,,or is it worse? I cant remember. I've lost some of my intelligence giving birth.


Blogger Sarah said...

It's wondrous. In about 3 mos come back and read this entry. It will encourage you.

Thanks for the update!

September 15, 2005 7:23 AM  
Blogger mrs. awesome said...

when g. was little, i used to wear my baby bjorn carrier around all time, so she could be near me, but both hands were free. i highly recommend! and, welcome to the world of multi-tasking! i laughed when i read about the eating one-handed (that will be the next year of your life). no one can get more done with one hand than a mom. :)

September 15, 2005 8:01 AM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Oh sweetie... you look fantastic & so does your sweet baby girl.

Congrats on fattening her up!



September 15, 2005 12:47 PM  
Blogger Sum Kinda Princess said...

I was stupid and didn't breast feed. In return for my self centered young mind, I still am quite over weight. The breast feeding is what takes the weight off. I wish I could tell you that the multi-tasking will get better soon, but no. It does when they approach a year. You'll learn all her crys that only vary enough for mom to know. I thought my daughter was a nightmare for the first 3 months! All she did was cry, eat and sleep. Oh, and poop. After that though, it was a little better and she started to become a real person. They are so much fun and less draining when they're about 9-12 months. Good luck! You're doing a fantastic job! And I agree with woodlandcreature, you have to sleep when they do so that you remaine mentally able to care for them. They're almost all extremely demanding in their own little ways. Wein her off of the constant holding by going to the baby carrier, then like a bouncy seat close to wherever you are. Takes a month or so, but you'll get there little by little. Sorry so long, Take care Robyn!

September 15, 2005 1:22 PM  
Blogger trisha said...

you are such a good mommy already! You do lose the weight a lot faster when you breastfeed too! good job- and she is so adorable!

September 15, 2005 1:26 PM  
Blogger MommyTaco said...

another double digit! i just posted a blog about how i'm 22 and am at 22 weeks! i just love seeing all of these pictures and am so proud of you and jamie for already being such awesome parents. you do have your handsful with avery, but you know what? she'll be a mama's girl and a daddy's girl, i can already tell! love ya lady!

September 15, 2005 1:37 PM  
Blogger Heather/SHTEZQ said...

you are doing a great job. isn't funny how we change over an instant once we become a mom

September 15, 2005 5:55 PM  
Blogger Osbasso said...

Not sure how I ended up here, but I notice that you've had a couple of HNT posts. Welcome to HNT!!! And congrats on the new one! Sounds like alot of work ahead of you for awhile!

I've got you listed on the Nekkid roll. Stop by and check out some of the other half-nekkid folks! And good luck....

September 15, 2005 9:14 PM  
Blogger Angel! said...

You are not a mother Robyn, you are a SUPER-mother. It's amazing to see how fast you've "learned" how to be a mother.

If I ever have kids, I want tricks from you!

September 16, 2005 3:39 AM  
Blogger aughra said...

I am so proud of you. Isn't breastfeeding amazing? It's the best thing I ever did.

You sound like you are really getting a handle on being a mommy. Congratulations. It's hard, but so worth it.

September 16, 2005 6:30 AM  
Blogger Shan'Chelle said...

I'm so happy for you! I can't tell you how jealous I am of all your progress and do appreciate you keeping us updated despite the difficulty you are experiencing in doing just that. I don't have the same excuse but find myself with less time to post these days. By the way, you look FANTASTIC...go you!

September 16, 2005 11:24 AM  
Blogger MommyTaco said...

oh my lord robyn, my hubby is going to be the happiest man alive if my boobs grow like yours did! i'm a d now (was a b before i started the pill and then a year plus later, they shot from there to a c and then a d, all in a couple of months' time)

cocoa butter and vitamin e are my newest best friends for these ugly marks lol

September 16, 2005 5:33 PM  

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