Saturday, September 10, 2005

I must be deaf

She's still my angel but I guess I'm not doing the best at being a mom just yet.....Couldn't get her to sleep through the night again, well, not totally anyways. My sister and her boyfriend came by yesterday evening and didn't head out the door until almost 11pm Jamie and I had rented a movie (Bourne supremacy) and had been waiting for them to leave so we could watch it. Stupid us thought starting a movie at that hour wouldn't be a problem. We set up a pallet of blankets and pillows on the living room floor and had Avery with us cuddling and nursing and halfway through the film, sleeping.
by 2am I wanted to wake her because my boobies were becoming boulders and I didn't want her getting up during the night so I tried to nurse her before heading to bed, but you just cant force feed a baby so we finally put her in her crib and headed to bed ourselves at 3am....Yes, I know that is ridiculously late to be up but it's so nice not having an agenda these days plus it was Friday night so we were not following the clock.
Well, come 6am, three hours later, I'm woken by Avery SCREAMING mad and jamie knocking the side of my bed with his foot while trying to comfort her in his arms saying 'this isn't going to work' .

my eyes spring open, I had no idea how long she had been yelling, and I feel so bad about it. If jamie hadn't gotten up and taken her, I would still be in dreamland totally oblivious to Avery and her cries for attention....I feel like I let her down or something,,,, that I'm a horrible mother to not be aware of my child.
Guess I really need to keep her closer so I hear her. Evidently this baby monitor is worth crap. Not once have I noticed her cries with it but instead I lay in bed listening to her breathing and fussing about till she gets settled into sleep. I just hate having her in another room....Someone was telling me about keeping their newborn in a makeshift crib using a pillow and laundry basket. Don't know if that constitutes as child abuse but I really am tempted to try it. Maybe then, I'll know what her status is during the night. Everytime I think she's upset through the baby monitor and I get up and make it to her nursery 9 feet down the hall, Avery is cool as a cucumber when I reach cribside. Having her in the same room would allow for me to not just listen to her but also get a visual as to how she's doing.
I knew her sleeping through the night was too much to ask for. Just going to have to keep trying and making the adjustments (and not staying up till 2 and 3 am) hopefully I can catch a nap today.


Blogger Karen said...

Deaf? or do you just sleep really well? I'm sure your body is dog-tired. But yes, you might try having her in your room for a little while. Btw, I'm still getting used to seeing baby pictures on your blog. It was such a long time coming.

Just call me if you're too tired for a visit today. I can't answer between 11:30 and 1, but just leave a message and don't feel bad about it! It's sometimes hard to plan when you have new babies. Or old babies, for that matter.

September 10, 2005 5:42 AM  
Blogger Marianna said...

My friend made a make-shift bed out of a basket... (not laundry, craft). She would put her infant daughter in it when she was a newborn to have near her in the living room without needing to put her in the crib.

You're not deaf, sweetie... it just takes time to get used to hearing your baby's cry.... plus, you were tired from being up so late...

She's precious, even when she's testing out those lungs!


September 10, 2005 5:44 AM  
Blogger aughra said...

Good luck, sweety. I nursed my Gus, and kept in in our bed for the first year. Getting him into his own bed was no problem, but let me tell you, rocking him to sleep was a bad idea. After a certain point, you should just let the kid get to sleep on its own. Obviously not right now.

You have to do what's best for you, but since I'm full of free advice, her goes.... Co-sleeping might work for you. You hear her, you roll over and nurse, and you snooze. More sleeping for you, less crying for her. Now, a lot of people aren't fans, but it works for a lot of moms.

But listen, don't be afraid to NOT take advice from people, even your family. It's your child and your life. No one else's.

Check out this blog - I discovered her through HNT and I've only read one post, but she is totally my kid of chilck when it comes to child raising - maybe she has some links that would help you.

September 10, 2005 5:45 AM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

yes, I know she's not yet expected to sleep through the night....just it was so suprising that she did the previous evening and i just know my child is gifted in some sorta way so surely this fantastic behaviour she's showing is just getting started and i was thinking she might continue in her advanced ways ;) a new mom can hope right?

September 10, 2005 6:20 AM  
Blogger Heather/SHTEZQ said...

hey do not do the laundry basket pillows are very dangerous for babies it can sufficate them. instead get a bassinet or porta-crib for next to your bed they say to put them in bassinets until at least 3 months old i did with the twins good luck with the sleep thing it does get better i promise

September 10, 2005 9:35 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I think when they are that age you pretty much have to grab sleep whenever you can get it.

September 10, 2005 10:25 PM  
Blogger Violet said...

That's really ambitious, wanting a newborn to sleep thru the night. My 5-week old daughter wakes me up every 2-3 hours want to feed. And she sleeps next to my bed so I wake up to the sounds of her lip-smacking well before she starts crying.

September 14, 2005 10:24 PM  

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