My Husband is returning home today! I cant tell if I'm horny, hormonal, or if I even want to be nice to him anymore. Its been 3 very long weeks without him and Avery has changed so much...We've really come a long way adapting to our pseudo single mom life style and suddenly its getting interrupted for 3 short days while batman comes home for a quicky visit. I've managed to get my OB appointment switched over to Monday so batman can be there for the first visit. I wasn't wanting to have to go by myself, I mean its kind of a big thing. The Doc is going to check me and give me a REAl DUe far all we've had is guess work done and I have a feeling that I'm further along then what planned parenthood said. They based the due date of Nov. 21 on the fact that Batman and I were on his birthday vacation in Feb. And nothing more scientific such as a last menstrual cycle. I'm so excited to finally get in to the Doctor. I'm kinda feeling weird about batman seeing me tonight when he gets in....I've got that rounded , plump middle lump and I'm feeling pretty unattractive. His flight doesn't get in till 330am so its going to be an interesting night of getting Avery up and picking him up at the airport. I've missed him so much these last several weeks. But at the same time, I believe my mood swings have affected our evening chats on the phone and lastnight I was bawling to him about how I felt like he had abandoned me.......Isn't that the dumbest? I mean he's coming home tonight and 24 hours earlier I'm acting like its the end of the world. I've just had so much pressure put on me and this pregnancy is tough to deal with him being away.
He's coming home! I've got to get the house picked up , shower n' shave, and somehow pass the time till he arrives. Its been a long time.
have a great weekend with your husband. I am serious about the lingerie - email me your address.
have a great weekend honey. I am sure you still look beautiful even with a round middle.
Enjoy your hubby! I hope you gets lots of lovin' and feel all better. He'd better be on his best behavior!
Have a great weekend with your man...tell him if he is not a nice boy, all of your friends from blogland will come kick his butt. Have a great time.
Have a great weekend!
That is cool that Aughra is serious about lingerie. I wish more ladies would be serious about lingerie.
Have a great weekend.
HONEY! There you are!!! I've been wondering what happened to your blog.
When I pull up your old link, I see some stupid healthcare website. WTH! I didn't know if you took down your blog or what!
I hope you're having a wonderful time with your hubby.
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