Wednesday, May 17, 2006

We are back from Mother's day in Florida

my mother, GramB, AVery and myself Suprisingly the trip wasn't as horrible as I was dreading it to be. My mother and father behaved themselves and tried to be civil 90% of the time. My GramB was a total Hoot with Avery.
the first evening we arrived, GramB was playing with Avery and talking in baby babble to her. They got along so well, seeing GramB with my daughter was worth being away from my own personal Mother's day.
I'm still a tiny bit sore about my mother being selfish and making me forgo my own First mother's day but I can at least say I'm not doing another thing for her. She's had her fill of me being her devoted daughter or should I say, I've had my fill.
interesting Highlights of the week:
*Avery and I went to a TEa party with the ladies of Gramb;s Church.
*She has learned to point
*My Dad had assault charges reported for calling a stupid blonde woman a Bitch at the Walmart photo studio.....She had the nerve to ask my 84yr. Grandmother, my handicapped mother and myself with 8month old Avery to leave the portrait studio because she and her (ugly) toddler boy were more important and HAD to HAVE their 11 o'-clock appointment (that she was 10minutes late too) though she wouldn't keep her appointment till she had spoken with the police. (Bitch!) never in a million years would I ever consider walking into a place for an appointed time and throw such a fit as to make two handicapped women leave.....Evidently in the state of Florida being called a B**** , is grounds for assault charges but that all happened after this blonde bimbo called my father stupid , told him he needed to get educated and rattled off a bunch of other noisy nonsense in his face. All he did was respond back with what a Bitch she was and she flipped out calling the cops on him and pressing Assault charges.
Boy did I want to kick some Trashy ASS! All I could do was tell her that her child was ugly which I know was pretty immature but she was insulting my father, had no respect for the elderly and obviously had to buy her boobs and was never taught ethics or morals. If She cant take being called a bitch, then she really shouldn't be acting like one.
ok, I was listing off all the exciting things of this week...That one got my blood boiling and was the climax of my Mother's DAy
honestly I'm totally pooped and need to get to BED! I miss it so much. I've been stuck out on a couch for the past 6days. Its so good to be home.
I'll check in with everyone tomorrow


Blogger mistyblue3 said...

I'm glad you're home! When does Batman return?

May 17, 2006 8:30 PM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

Saturday I get to pick him up at the airport 330AM! I'm so excited to have him home even if its only for the weekend

May 17, 2006 8:40 PM  
Blogger Heather/SHTEZQ said...

so glad you are back and glad it was not so bad. yeah about batman coming home for th eweekend enjoy your honey!

May 17, 2006 9:33 PM  
Blogger keda said...

oh i'm so glad i found you again! i kept getting some wierd medical site when i followed your comment links!

lovely pics and have a great weeekend. things are looking up!

May 18, 2006 6:54 AM  
Blogger Osbasso said...

I love the Walmart story! I would have loved to have watched the fight ensue!

May 19, 2006 11:25 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Couldn't you Dad just say, "I am sorry officer, but I just thought that she was a female dog. Gotta get these glasses fixed..."?

May 20, 2006 10:20 PM  

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