Wednesday, April 05, 2006

anyone want a cat?

and because I adore Aughra, I'm taking off my verification and comment moderation. I'm trying to acomodate her pregnant feelings :)

I need to find a new home for this animal. he pooped in my daugters nursery this morning. He's such a stupid lazy cat and unfortunatly he means more to Batman than a wife or child.I would get rid of all of them just so I know that Batman doesnt hurt the other because I kicked Jarobie to the curb. Three cats and a baby make for a difficult life style. and Jarobie isnt playing by the rules. we supply him with two different cat boxes and he chooses to use my baby's bedroom......he's out of here (if I had any control over the issue.) since I got pregant last year, I havent had to clean or change the litter boxes and me not mentioning anything about it has presearved my nose from returning to cat duty. but this crosses the line, when I'm suppose to be staying home and carrying for the offspring and his cat defies my authority...something needs to be done.
I know it wasnt Simone or Riddler, they are too propper but Jarobie is a junkie looking for a handout that doesnt play by society's rules (one of the reasons he's favored by batman)
I'm serious when I call him a junkie,,,, we have to hide any sort of plastic bags or straws from him because he came from a crackhouse and thinks that there is drugs to be found in any crinckly plastic product. anybody want a cat? I change too many diapers in a day to be picking up after this animal.
when Batman finally roledout of bed this morning I told him about the "pile" in Avery's room and he wanted to know if I picked it up. HELL no! its your frickin cat, I've got Avery's bottom to keep clean, I'm not about to start pickingup your nasty bad habbited felines droppings ...
I got called a bunch of differnt names that really dont faze me anymore but he doesnt need to say these things in front of his daughter. I'm kickin his stupid cat out and taking off with the baby. He can figure out what happend when he gets home


Blogger mrs. awesome said...

i think small children and any animal are a hard adjustment...i mean thinking about crawling, put-anything-in-her-mouth baby with available cat poop is just unsanitary. after all, a cat is NOT a person. some may disagree, but i believe you cross the line when you choose animals over people. that said, i grew up with dogs and love them. it's a hard situation.

April 05, 2006 1:11 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

HA! Love the pics of the kitty! I wish I could take a cat, but I think I'm allergic to them.


April 05, 2006 2:45 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

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April 05, 2006 3:12 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Can the cats be used as a food source somehow?

April 05, 2006 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hubby is allergic to cats . . . sorry. Good luck!

April 05, 2006 4:24 PM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

Jenny~ please leave your comments to yourself. I dont care for you to call my husband names

April 05, 2006 4:48 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

we have had to kick our cat our because joel is allergic. before that we had to declaw her and keep her out of the nursery simply because of issues like (who wants a cat in the crib?)

I hope it all gets worked out.

April 05, 2006 8:11 PM  
Blogger Shan'Chelle said...

Wow it must be something in the air because I'm having problems with my cat too...problem is she is MY baby and she has decided to protest the weather and not being allowed outside in a thunderstorm by peeing all over the place INCLUDING ON ME!!!! Needless to say, my sweet baby got her butt booted outside and she can stay out there...I don't take kindly to being woken up early in the morning...especially by some nasty a$$ pee! Good luck with your pooper...sorry no room at my inn :-P

April 06, 2006 9:57 AM  
Blogger sqwerrl said...

first off i don't hurt animals only people!!!!!!second you don't have the balls to try and kick my cat out!!!!!i would take it out on other animals just the person!!!!!

April 07, 2006 6:37 PM  
Blogger sqwerrl said...

good thing our vows never mentioned each other talking shit about another.what a wonderful supportive wife i have

April 07, 2006 9:11 PM  

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