Thursday, October 27, 2005

unfinished ramblings of an unslept mother

we stayed up way too late last night but it was good because he and I were actauly talking about things. we had a great conversation about how we need to change the way we talk to each other and be more encouraging. it really was nice to conect with him like that. now if we can put these things into motion we'll be doing great.
today he came home for two hours between shifts and offered to take Avery from me...he just doesnt get that I dont mind having her, its the being left alone for all day that can wear you down. I'm not in any way desiring for her to be away from me, I just would like to have him with us....but since he insisted and I can get things done easier and quicker, I allowed him to run to arlington with her...he did good and even pack a diaper bag. I had jumped into the shower when he came home ( I do pretty good to get myself washed at least every other day) and today I had the extra time to shave my legs, I started to panic/laugh at the thought of him without the baby necesities but upon exiting the shower I realized his daddy skills were up to par and he had gotten a bag together. even though he had left his wallet with drivers lisence on the counter, he was doing alright.
I got myself dressed and ran out the felt like I had run out the door because I havent gotten out the door that quickly since Avery was born lol and I headed to the library. I had been planning this trip to the library all week and I guess since I was Avery Free, I lost the anxiety that comes with towing a baby around so that was extra nice. I picked up the Baby Whisperer which I have thumbed through before. I need to try and get some reading done this evening if AVery will allow. Maybe next time he offers to take her and I find myself with Alone time by myself (which is different from just plain alone time) and he thinks I need to go out and run errands...I'll just take a book and spend the time reading.
Good news everybody, we got most of our electricity bill paid....we're only 43something dollars short this month....but I'm going to stay positive about it because God always provides. it just sucks when things are this tight that we arent able to do everything I would like (as in pay our bills and maybe have a dime left over so I could enjoy a nice cold Coca-cola)
This weekend we're going to his mother's Family reunion...i am not looking forward to it. none of these people really are more then 1/4 related to jamie but his mother is excited to show off her baby grandaughter as the newest member to the SMith family.....does that say anything about the reunion? its the freakin SMith family reunion so all you Smiths out there, make sure you have it on your calanders for Saturday from noon-5 out in Graham, Tx.
Its crazy because none of us going are Smiths but we still go and eat Barbeque and baked beans with these folks that tell nutty stories about the dust bowl and the depresion. It's not going to be enjoyable with AVery becaues it's like 2 hour drive to get there meaning I get to nurse her upon arrival and I hate doing that, plus Jamie's mother has a horrible habit of taking Avery and she'll disappear to the next room and It just makes me so nervous to go. baby needs me


Blogger Sarah said...

I love libraries, I love alone time. I think it's awesome that you guys had a good talk. I hope things continue on the right track. Isn't it amazing the things you can do without a kid in tow?

October 27, 2005 8:31 PM  
Blogger MommyTaco said...

do the old people sit around and play 42 while they tell all their stories too? that's what typically goes on at my central texas family reunions. bbq and baked beans sounds pretty damned good right now too.

October 28, 2005 2:15 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

I love the pics of Avery fresh out of the bath! There's something so magical about libraries.


October 28, 2005 2:46 PM  

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