Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I don't know what to say today...
just having one of those days that I feel like a monkey clashing cymbal's around, in my mind I'm wearing a green pillbox style hat and have whiskers.....Do monkeys have whiskers?
went to lunch at a Greek restaurant with my friend Robert...Avery cried, the food sucked but it was good getting to see Robert. Shes getting this new habit of becoming tired and really cranky and it last way too long before she tires out
right now I'm typing as quietly has possible but am still scared that any sound is going to wake her up. Guess if she does then she can cry it out or we can go on our walk but its turned awfully cold. And its getting dark so early
Saturday jamie and I have a meeting with our pastor about getting married. For some reason I'm nervous, I'm just lacking a lot of selfconfidence right now. I was going to blog about affirmations but don't have the energy right now to think of good things to say to myself.
Mom called this afternoon and wanted to get caught up with me but the conversation revolved mostly around my milk supply and how its been shrinking
Being a mother and staying with a helpless crying baby 24hrs a day is the toughest most demanding job a person could do. Ah, she cries....................

Cardiologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center found that people with heart disease are 40% less likely to laugh in a given situation than people without heart disease. The key here seems to be stress reduction; stress impairs the production of endothelial cells, which form a protective lining in our blood vessels. A weak endothelium can lead to hardened arteries and, quite literally, a hardened heart.
What exactly is laughter? As
HowStuffWorks explains, laughter is a physiological response that's triggered by the limbic system, or the part of the brain that governs motivation and emotional behaviors. During laughter, the epiglottis constricts the larynx, restricting our ability to breathe. That's why a really good joke can sometimes seem pretty dangerous -- but thankfully the breathing instinct always wins in the end.


Blogger Jenny said...

here's something to try. you are tip toeing around her right now which is a bad thing. she needs to get use to noise so that you can live your life and not be afraid to wake the baby, etc. run the vacuum cleaner when she's awake. play your music a little bit louder, tv louder, talk louder. she'll get use to the noise. keep some sort of noise on when she's sleeping. tv can remain loud, talk on the phone, etc. if she cries, go in to her room, say 'it's ok avery mommy's still here' and walk out and let her cry. make the time longer and longer each time up to 30 minutes. then get her up and try again in 30 minutes. it's work but it'll be so much better for you!! try it and let me know

:) "super nanny" hehe Jenny

November 16, 2005 4:52 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

I have many friends that have done what Jenny recommends. The kids are just immuned to the noise after a while.

Best wishes for your visit with your pastor. I can't wait to see you in a dress!


November 17, 2005 6:33 AM  
Blogger MommyTaco said...

so i have marfans syndrome, and one of the causes of concern is the chance of thinning/weakening of the aortic walls... does this mean i'm born to have a light heart? ;o)

i'm so glad that you two are going to speak with the pastor! it's going to be really good for the both of you! love ya girl!

November 17, 2005 10:44 AM  

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