Sunday, July 31, 2005

My Dad was named for the Jolly Roger

My Dad's side of the family I think were English but that Grandmother was a little wild on her stories.
I remember her telling about a half dollar coin she carried with her everywhere. It was something her father had given her when she graduated college and he told her to never spend it. That way she would never be penniless.
As she was telling the story, she was showing us grandkids the coin. It was a silver halfdollar and none of us had the heart to tell her the date was 1989 decades after when she had actually graduated. She must have spent the one her father told her never to loose and retained this one thinking it was the same
I think Grandma also once said our ancestors where Pirates. Of course they were the legal ones sent out to see by the Queen of Spain but who really knows


Blogger mrs. awesome said...

my dad is chinese, and he used to tell us that we were direct descendants of the great general kwan.....i was impressed with myself until i realized that kwan is the chinese equivalent of smith or jones--it's the everyman name! :)

and i cannot help myself--ARGHHH, matey!

July 31, 2005 10:35 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

No kidding! That is soooo cool!


August 01, 2005 6:14 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

Those are funny stories! Your post is another reminder that grandmothers are great people, even if they do exaggerate a little. :-)

August 01, 2005 8:25 AM  

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