Sunday, July 31, 2005

To Puff or not to Puff

So I have this friend, well her boyfriend is friends with Jamie, and Jamie was telling me that while he was up at work flippin burgers last night, they dropped by.
This girl we'll call Shelly and her boyfriend Sean, well, they have been having problems. I've heard bits and pieces but Shelly doesn't really talk with me about anyof it. I've just witnessed several fights and things aren't good for them/her, she's very upset about his lack of interest in her recently. They have been together almost 3 years I think. I really feel sorry just because Shelly is a sweet girl and Sean just smokes a bunch of pot
Jamie was saying that Shelly last night was trying to ask jamie advice about what to do to fix her relationship with Sean. She was wanting jamie's "Guy opinion" and actually asked if maybe she should start smoking Pot so they would be able to do it together instead of Sean running off to other places to smoke it away from her.
isn't that sad! This girl wants to start taking drugs to save her relationship with her boyfriend. I have known that the drug use was a problem and evidently this guy doesn't care enough about her to not do it,
instead she's actually thinking of starting!
good Jamie told her that Sean would probably respect her more if she just stuck by her guns and didn't start using drugs. I mean, if the relationship is on a downward spiral, it's important to at least keep ones head above water and not sacrifice more of ourselves. Poor girl
pot smoking monkey, asking Jamie for advice......HAHAHAHAHAHAH!


Blogger Avery's mom said...

A Dorito? Because of his Munchies right. you got me a little concerned there Addict

July 31, 2005 9:54 PM  
Blogger Angel! said...

The stupid things we'd do for "our" man!!

August 01, 2005 11:04 AM  
Blogger MommyTaco said...

drugs ruined my last 'relationship' but now that i'm married to a much more fantastic guy AND have been clean for almost two years, it matters not!

August 01, 2005 1:47 PM  

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