Monday, May 09, 2005


What a crazy weekend. It was my little brother Roman's prom and my parents decided it would be fun to host an "after prom party". After 8 of my brother's friends and their dates got taken off to prom, all the parents of the kids got to use the stretch Hummer (white) and drive up to Dallas to eat dinner at the Reunion Tower Ball. It's a super fancy revolving floor that gives a 360degree view of downtown Dallas.
Batman got home from working in La. the previous night so we got to have a fancy date for this weekend while he's home. It was so much fun getting to be treated to a Limmo ride except that while on the drive to dinner, someone slipped a fart in the Hummer... It stunk so bad. nothing like a fart to ruin a perfectly nice limmo ride. Anyway, my sister and her boyfriend kept laughing and blaming it on me, the pregnant woman, so I took all responsibility for the awful stench. It wasnt me but I figured I would save the poor soul of whoever did let it fly. I'm sure that they privately were grateful not to have to fess up and that they were happy to use me as their scape goat.
At dinner, we had our choice of sir loin steak (20 oz.) or BBQ chickenbreast. Of course batman had his "bloody as hell" . They brought out a steak that could have given us a ride back home. It was so rare and pink, (I did have a bite and it was some of the tastiest meat ever). Just a little scared of Mad cow disease now. I had the chicken and was greatly disappointed but the asparagus was good. Didn't have time to be served dessert, so we had it boxed up and sent home with us. The limmo driver needed to get us home and back to the school to pick up the prom goers; so we had to rush.
When the kids got brought back to the Compound (parents house), it was almost 1am already, Batman was in charge of the bon fire which had been started to roast dogs and smores on. All the kids got out of the limmo and the guys all looked so cool in their matching tuxedos. Roman looked Hot! My big "Man" and he had won a min- fridge at the auction at the end of prom. His girlfriend Lauren, (3years) had the prettiest dress out of all the girls and her shoes were clear heals that had fancy led lights that lit up when she walked. It looked really neat.
The boys all had matching swim trunks and the girls reluctantly ruined their hairstyle by getting into the pool and having a good round of Cannonball contests. Romans big ass always does the best. Go Bro!!!!
It was nearly 4am and the kids were doing slip'n' slide on three giant tarps and garden hose with Palmolive dish soap out in the front yard. It was so hilarious to see the girls trying to slide as far as the boys. Think they were a little too reserve on their take off.
It's so hard to realize that my little brother is already a senior and about to go off to school. I still look at him and think that he's only my 3year old, pacifier sucking brother. Still has those chubby cheek's. But now he's so grown up. the kids this weekend were having a good time but they still seemed to me to be young kids. guess I'm alot older than I think I am.
I was worn out and finally had to leave. the party continued into the next morning which was mother's day. unfortunately our mom had to wait because all the family just slept on Sunday. She was pooped too and didn't mind.
This weekend will always be a great memory for our family. Not too often that we have that much social organization goin on at the compound.


Blogger :| raven |: said...

sounds like you had a lot of fun ... what a great time ...

May 11, 2005 6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction please
it was prime rib not sirloin

they were picked up at the Omni Mandalay at Los Colinas not school

nice accounting of the adventure

May 12, 2005 4:42 PM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

whatever! it was beef! like i know the different cuts.

May 12, 2005 5:18 PM  

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