Monday, May 02, 2005

robyn without Batman

What am I going to do with myself?! my sweetheart left me all alone for a whole week!!!
we haven't been apart like this in almost a year. I hope his trip goes well. His work took him out of state and I don't know when he's coming back. Maybe Saturday and the worst of it all is that I have absolutely no way of contacting him. This stinks so bad!!!! I just pray that he doesn't hurt himself and that he's safe and good and thinking of me (and our baby on the way), and that he comes home and is happy and gets to rest and all the good 'lovey' stuff that he's so good at.
He's only been gone like two hours and I miss him. This is going to be a long week for me. probably will get a lot of writing done. God knows I should have gone back to bed and gotten a couple more hours, I've got a lot of crap to take care of today. maybe I'll cancel my appointment this morning so I have more time to solve my stupid change of address problem with the idiots up at the freakin healthcare office. my doctors appointment is tomorrow afternoon and I don't want to have to cancel it because Jo Ann Turner is a Moron and didn't receive my change of address even though they sent my denial form to the correct home. How idiotic can you be?
oh, well, there's really no sense in getting bent out of shape. just wish my honey were here to take care of me and love me and tell me that my growing tummy is special. wish he would be home to go with me to see the doctor. guess I'm going to have to tough this one out by myself if I even get to go. Stupid healthcoverage
yeah, today is starting out to be not my favorite, don't know if I should eat some breakfast or climb back into bed


Blogger Chris said...

This is exactly why vegetables are so very important.

May 07, 2005 3:44 AM  

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