Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday night temper

I'm tired, I'm depressed, batman comes home and he wants to be mad with me so he has an excuse to leave the house and go out drinking. if he wants to go out and be with the the guys, I will understand but does he really need to be angry with me about something 'tiny' like me not doing exactly what he told me to do? my god, I'm not perfect. I know I come pretty close but today I screwed up a tad and he wants to be all pissy about it.
He comes home from work , doesnt say hello or anything but demands to have the bank card (which we dont have money in the account) and starts calling his buddies out in Arlington.
Hello would be nice....him spending 10 minutes with his daughter would be even better, I've been home with her all day and it sucks when I'm the only person that is able to comfort her. He needs to learn to develope a relationship with her. I know its hard right now because she is so young but this is her presious time...I time when she likes to cuddle , be held and give adorable smiles. He's the one missing out
I just wish he didnt have to be mad all the time. He seriously gets off on his anger and its the weekend so everybody watch out. He's going to be "raging daddy" because I'm not "wonderwoman"....If I gave him this much shit, we wouldntmake it.
I'm just so mad but I have a much better reason, at least I'm not out driving with a sixpack between my knees and an expired registration tag (that my dad paid for and batman still hasnt stuck on the windshield)
I'm fumming
if he goes to jail, is a wife obligated to bail her husband out? good thing we're not married yet


Blogger aughra said...

Boys are dumb. Just roll with it. Realize that he's an ass, has no idea what's going on, and also has his own shit.

And then punch him in the face while he sleeps.

I got nothin.

December 02, 2005 7:00 PM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

punch him in the night...sounds relieving to me. I just dont want to wake the evil beast. seriously, I live in fear of disturbing the slumbering grump

December 02, 2005 7:17 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

Sounds like you two really need to sit down with someone else (your pastor perhaps) and talk. He needs to understand that his responsibilities to his daughter and his family extend beyond just paying the bills. This probably isn't the way you want to spend every weekend of your married life!

Sorry things are so crappy right now!

December 02, 2005 7:34 PM  
Blogger Sum Kinda Princess said...

I have to agree with Annie on this one. And, you don't want to go into this marriage with no other option. You do have every right to demand his half of the work. Or, however much you deem to be acceptable. You don't want to go into this or any marriage without getting something like this nipped in the bud.

December 02, 2005 10:47 PM  
Blogger Marianna said...

Sorry hon... it sounds complicated. I hope he comes around & gets un-grumpy.


December 03, 2005 7:04 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

You know I always thought it was too bad that I did not have any friends, but now it looks like an advantage. I do not have anyone to go out drinking with, so I have to stay at home.

I do hope things get better for you. Maybe another option is not to cancel the wedding, but to delay they wedding until things get better? I am not sure when common law kicks in.

December 04, 2005 2:01 AM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

bridget jones you can eat a frog pecker. for one thing your good for nothing family has nothing to do with me so don't even try to compair me to them.what do you know about me?!nothing other than the facts that robyn bitches about.she has a hard time recognizing and remembering the times and thing that i do for her that are kind and loving.other than that you know nothing about me and have NO right to tell her not to marry me.not that your opinon makes 2 shits.and this hospital/morgue business is just stupid i've never struck robyn out of anger.i don't have to beat a woman to feel good.but if a bitch wants to start acting like a man and swing on me then i want hesitate to restrain her or give a little memory check and put her in her place.i know i got anger problems but if you'll actually knew me and anything else about our relationship you would know that my anger control HAS gotten better NOT worse. this message is left by Avery's Father and Robyn's soon to be husband so let me know how that frog pecker taste.


December 04, 2005 11:55 AM  

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