Monday, May 30, 2005

Medical treatment for my Ass

My parents are in flight out to see my mother's mom and dad out in Springhill FL.
last week I wrote a letter to my GramB an she wrote back email saying that Papa Joe was in the hospital. He's 86 years old, deaf, and had been having a very difficult time getting around. It seemed that his foot was causing him so much pain, and was swollen that he couldn't even walk. So after being evaluated for three days and bringing in a specialist from Tampa for his foot, the diagnosis was that PapaJoe had the Gout! I was so worried about them, GramB has always done everything to manage the home but now Papa Joe has the gout and she's having to care for him as well.

Yesterday, my mom and dad called to say that they were leaving for Florida to help out. It turns out that after three more days of being in the hospital, the idiot Doctors out there had misdiagnoised Papa Joe's ailment. He doesn't have the Gout, His FOOT IS FRACTURED!
How does a 'specialist' misdiagnoise a fracture for the gout? It's absolutely absurd!!! when someone is as old as my grandfather, broken bones are ailments that occur regularly. granted Papa Joe couldn't remember doing any specific act that suddenly caused him the pain, but that's not a rare thing either. The Man is 86 years old. His tall, lean frame has shrunk by at least 4 inches from when he was in his prime. He doesn't hear things well. and now he's getting the crummiest medical treatment that I have ever imagined.
At least my mom and dad will be out there. Mom was wanting me to go instead of her, I don't know what that was about. I've got my doctors appointment tomorrow and have heard that women in the last trimester shouldn't travel. I 'm just glad that she buckled down and decided to fill her role as daughter to her parents. Dont get me wrong, I totally would have gone to help out with Papa Joe and Gram B but I know that it's something that mom shouldn't push off onto her kids to take care of. I think she might have been scared to deal with her parents being so weak. Mom has Multiple sclerosis and some days are better than others, and the way Dad was sounding, He's ready to haul them off to a nursing home....I just pray the whole thing goes ok and that Papa Joe's foot heals easily.


Blogger :| raven |: said...

i am so sorry girl ....

that is kinda weird a misdiagnosis like that .... i hope his foot heals well too ... and quickly.

from personal experience, i know it's hard to watch your parents get older and more dependent ... it's difficult to face the fact that their time is nearing it's end. our whole lives we depend on our parents for everything .. and then the time comes that we can no longer do that .. and they depend on us. it's a scary place.

i hope your mom hangs in there and that everything goes okay.

i'm also glad you stood your ground as far as traveling. you were right to stay home. try not to worry.

May 30, 2005 4:47 PM  
Blogger aughra said...

That is ridiculous. Did you know that gout used to be refered to as 'The Rich Man's Disease', because heavier, richer foods were believed to contribute? When my old, Polish father in law got it last year, he said 'I'm too poor ta get da gout!'

May 31, 2005 5:08 PM  
Blogger Avery's mom said...

RAVEN, thanks for your words of encouragement. I appriciate your thoughts.

AUGHRA, rich mans disease...papa joe is a tough, harsh German that would never say he's rich....could be why the doctors had to change it to a fracture. just a joke

May 31, 2005 5:28 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Don't you get gout from eating too much red meat?

Anyway they must have missed it on the X-Ray. Broken bones are tougher at that age because they just do not heal very fast.

June 03, 2005 12:23 AM  

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